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Google Classroom Assignment Tracker (FREE Template)

Google Classroom Assignment Tracker- Chalkboard Creations, organization, digital assignments

Best Organization Advice for Google Classroom

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received about using Google Classroom was from a blog post by Alice Keeler. In her post, Google Classroom: Numbering Assignments, she discusses the benefits and organization behind numbering each and every assignment in Google Classroom. I would highly recommend you check out her post about it, as well as her other post on how to auto-number the assignments. I could do an enyirely separate blog post about why this method is amazing, but today I want to share an assignment tracker template with you to help organize your Google Classroom workflow!

The Problem: Keeping Track

When I began numbering my assignments (and all the documents that go with it) I absolutely loved how it helped me organize. However, after I got about 30 assignments in, it was hard for me to remember what the next number should be. For instance, I would sit down to create a brand new assignment, and I couldn’t remember if we were on #032 or #033. Or maybe it was #034?

I would “plan” an assignment in my lesson plan book, but then I had to remember to go back later and actually create the assignment and assign it in Google Classroom. Also, I found it difficult to remember which assignments I had already graded.

The Solution: Assignment Tracker

I created this color-coded assignment tracker to organize my Google Classroom workflow! With this bad boy, I can easily keep track of which assignments need to be created, assigned, or graded. It was especially helpful at the end of the quarter for making sure I had everything graded.

Google Classroom Assignment Tracker- Chalkboard Creations, digital assignments, organization

All the instructions on how to change the drop-down menus and the colors are included in the template. I hope that this will help keep you organized with your Google Classroom assignments!

Question? Leave a comment below and let me know!

10 comments on “Google Classroom Assignment Tracker (FREE Template)”

  1. Joann Reply

    can you link the assignment to this page. so when you bring up the assignment and click on it, the assignment pops up in a new window?

  2. Antonella Oliveri-Mifsud Reply

    With respect to the above question by Joann, HOW do you link it to keep yourself organized?? This is so helpful!

  3. Ashley falcon Reply

    Is there one for students? I can’t seem to keep up with my high schooler with all the chromebook stuff..

  4. Marcia Reply

    Thank you very much for sharing this with us! I am going to start homeschooling this coming Fall, so I am looking for all the help organizing I can get!

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